yes, therapy helps!

Forensic and criminal psychology

Psychopathy: what happens in the mind of the psychopath? - forensic and criminal psychology

What is a psychopath? In his work "Antisocial personalities" (1994), David Lykken explores the psychopathic and sociopathic personalities, the different subtypes that exist of them and the role...

Jack the Ripper: analyzing the psychology of the famous criminal - forensic and criminal psychology

During 1888, the inhabitants of the district of Whitechapel (London), They lived in terror before a wave of crimes that devastated this working class neighborhood of the late 19th century. XIX.Five...

The 30 signs of psychological abuse in a relationship - forensic and criminal psychology

In my consultations, when I observe indications that a situation of psychological and emotional abusel, I usually use a series of questions that I have taken home as homework.The goal is for my...

Criminology: the science that studies crimes and crimes - forensic and criminal psychology

With the growing popularity of the dramatic series that involve solving crimes, pursuing criminals or trying to get into their minds to take them one step further, we believe we are familiar with the...

Neurosciences applied to the criminological study of crime - forensic and criminal psychology

The human brain is something so complex and (almost) perfect that since the time of Hippocrates has been a source of curiosity. With the advance of science and technology, the neurosciences have been...

Psychopaths: 10 myths about the psychopathic personality - forensic and criminal psychology

Penetrating gaze, serious attitude, superb intelligence, neat clothes, perverse thoughts and bloodthirsty aims. This is how we always paint the movies and series to the psychopaths.Before continuing...

The 'Killer of the crossbow': life and psychological portrait of a parricide - forensic and criminal psychology

One of the best-known murders in Spanish criminal history shook a small population of the Maresme. It was on February 6, 1994 when Andrés Rabadán, a young local who was 21 years old, he killed his...

Psychopathic traits in the test of the human figure - forensic and criminal psychology

The projective test they are one of the psychodiagnostic tools that more clinical psychotherapists use. The basis of this is based on the fact that at the time of writing, drawing or speaking, we...

The famous and macabre case of necrophilia by Carl Tanzler - forensic and criminal psychology

Few cases of necrophilia are as famous as that of Carl Tanzler. The real story of a man who, surprisingly, carried his obsession for a woman beyond death.Carl Tanzler (later known as Carl von Cosel)...

The cycle of violence in relationships - forensic and criminal psychology

Why the assaulted woman does not leave her aggressor? Why do not you report the attacks? Why after denouncing many times withdraw the complaint? How do victims feel assaulted in the different stages...