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The 21 best sentences of Franz Kafka

The 21 best sentences of Franz Kafka

June 14, 2024

Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924) was a leading Czechoslovakian author who was born in Prague.

Of Jewish origin, the work of Kafka influenced great authors of universal literature, such as Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel García Márquez, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre or Milan Kundera. Among his most read and memorable works are El Proceso (1925), La Metamorfosis (1915) and La Condena (1913).

His literary style was associated with expressionism, magical realism and existentialism. In his novels, he testifies to a gray vision of the future and human life, influenced to a large extent by the context of World War II and its probable schizoid personality disorder.

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Phrases and aphorisms by Franz Kafka

In today's article Let's get to know the best quotes and phrases by Franz Kafka , to approach his literary and personal universe, to understand his work and his thoughts through several fragments of his books and letters.

Without further delay, we begin.

1. Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind a trail of bureaucracy.

It could well be a way of seeing politics as a mere game of illusions and wills that end up being nothing.

2. Youth is happy because it has the ability to see beauty. Anyone who retains the ability to see beauty never grows old.

The enthusiasm and its strong bond with the fact of feeling young.

3. The gesture of bitterness of man is often only the petrified embarrassment of a child.

A pretty successful metaphor.

4. In your fight against the rest of the world I advise you to take the side of the rest of the world.

One of those phrases by Franz Kafka in which he summarizes a selfless philosophy.

5. All knowledge, all questions and answers are in the dog.

Your favorite animal, all honesty and spontaneity.

6. Leisure is the father of all vices, and is the crowning of all virtues.

A difficult duality to express better.

7. The possession does not exist, there is only the being: that being that sucks until the last breath, until suffocation.

Having does not mean anything.

8. Serene reflection, very calmly, is better than making desperate decisions.

Reflection always invites us to make more weighted and intelligent decisions, without being influenced by emotions.

9. Don Quixote's misfortune was not his fantasy, but Sancho Panza.

About the work of Miguel de Cervantes: the worst thing that happened to Don Quixote is to know the reality of things, a stubborn, boring and lethal realism.

10. After a certain point there is no return. That's the point we have to reach.

Franz Kafka's metaphorical phrase that can be applied to a multitude of circumstances.

11. Do not despair, not even for the fact that you do not despair. When all seems over, new forces arise. This means that you live.

One of his few optimistic and hopeful phrases.

12. Literature is always an expedition to the truth.

Despite being works of fiction, there is much reality in each story that is explained.

13. Believe means to liberate in itself the indestructible or better: to be free or better yet: to be indestructible or better still: to be.

In the hope of believing resides vitality, according to Kafka.

14. If the world opposes you, you must take the side of the world.

It is likely that you are wrong, or at least it should seem that you are not. Conceal

15. Simply, do not overestimate what I have written; otherwise, what I still hope to write would become unattainable.

A way to evaluate their achievements effectively, to fight to reach even higher levels.

16. I must confess that once I envied someone very much because he was loved, cared for, defended from reason and strength and because he lay peacefully under the flowers. I always have envy within reach.

A sign of vulnerability.

17. A book must be the ax that breaks the frozen sea that is inside us.

About reading and its powers.

18. Every man carries within himself a room. It is a fact that confirms our own hearing. When you walk fast and listen, especially at night when everything around you is silent, you hear, for example, the tremors of a poorly hung wall mirror.

An interesting reflection about human perception.

19. It is a blow because it will take time and I need all the time and a thousand times more, preferably all the time that exists, to think of you, to breathe in you.

One of your letters to Milena.

20. He who seeks does not find, but he who does not seek is found.

To find we must remain attentive, but without falling into obsession.

21. It is often safer to be chained than to be free.

Another phrase of Franz Kafka in which we glimpse his dull spirit.

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