yes, therapy helps!
The 5 best apps for psychological therapy

The 5 best apps for psychological therapy

April 19, 2024

New technologies have changed the way we relate, and we are currently living in the information age, where the technological advances of the last century have allowed us to establish contact with anyone and obtain different types of information from our computer or our mobile phone.

Even the world of Psychology has been affected by the technological revolution: in addition to the well-known online therapy through the computer, now it is also possible to perform therapeutic sessions through the applications of smartphones .

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Psychological therapy apps: the most prominent

Nowadays, the technology linked to telephony makes it possible to carry psychologically useful tools, and in recent years different apps have appeared that aim to offer psychotherapy and contribute to well-being, improving the quality of life and the recovery of those who suffer some kind of disorder.

In this article we have prepared a selection of applications for mobile phones that offer this type of service , and in this way we have analyzed and selected those that are most useful. Let us begin.

1. PsicoReg

PsicoReg is a very useful patient management platform for psychologists , which has an interface for mental health professionals and another for their patients. It allows, among other things, to perform the management of appointments and payments, to carry out the monitoring of patients, to chat with them and to leave them materials to work out of the sessions (self-instructions, relaxation audios, etc.).

In addition, PsicoReg improves the adherence of patients to psychotherapy, among other things thanks to its system of reminders and notifications that appear when the end date of a task approaches and there are pending things to do, or when there is an appointment with the psychologist.

For more information about this platform, click here.

2. Phobious

Phobious is an effective application for the treatment of phobias , although it can be used with other anxiety disorders such as OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). Technologically speaking, it is a very advanced app that uses virtual reality to expose the patient to phobic stimuli in a gradual manner. Therefore, it is an ideal tool to be used as an exposure technique (cognitive behavioral therapy), and in combination with therapeutic sessions with an online psychologist, such as the previous app.

The creators of Phobious have agreements with different hospital institutions such as Hospital Clínic, Sant Pau or Johns Hopkins for continuous updating. It is available on both iOS and Android and can be used alone or with 3D glasses.

3. Appsy mHealth

mHealth is a set of apps that aim to provide health coverage from smartphones so that the patient can connect from anywhere , The 24 hours of the day. Within this series of applications it is possible to find Appsy, which is oriented to Psychology. However, at present, Appsy only has its Appsy Unemployment version, which is based on psychological support through cognitive behavioral therapy and is aimed at all those people who want to make a positive coping of unemployment to prevent or counteract symptoms like anxiety or discomfort.

It is an impersonal application, but with a simple operation: it asks a series of questions to the patient to assess their ability to cope with the unemployment situation. Depending on the results, a treatment is applied in which the exercises that it must follow to get a positive coping experience are indicated. Once the treatment is completed, the app performs another questionnaire to know the effectiveness of said treatment.

4. ChatPsi

Another featured application is ChatPsi . This option, like the previous ones, provides psychological support through the mobile phone. However, and despite the fact that the first contact is through the app (as the user has the possibility to make the consultation via chat), the psychological treatment is done by Skype.

That is, the first contact is by the app, but if the patient wishes to continue with the psychological treatment, the sessions are carried out by Skype, with a duration of 50 minutes. For this, it is necessary to contract the service prepaid by PayPal, and the patient must book the therapeutic session 24 hours in advance.

5. AirPersons

AirPersons is an app in which it is possible to make queries via chat with different professionals : lawyers, doctors and psychologists, etc.It is more of an app in which psychologists can make their services known, since professionals can register and offer all kinds of services: private classes, buying and selling online services (for example, guides) and also therapy.

AirPersons allows you to search for psychologists and other professionals and has a space where professionals can advertise. Users have an account, which allows them to view the balance in AirPersons and deposit money to purchase services. On the other hand, psychologists receive payment for their services via PayPal. It is only available for Android 4.1 or higher.

Should You Get Therapy from an App? (April 2024).

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