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The 6 most difficult personality profiles and how to deal with them

The 6 most difficult personality profiles and how to deal with them

April 3, 2024

We all have a relative or an acquaintance that we try to avoid, who nobody wants to invite to birthdays or who tend not to answer their calls.

In this article we propose to make a classification of the psychological profiles of the people who take us out of our boxes and offer some recommendations to deal with them.

Difficult personalities

People who have a harsh personality in some sense are often unaware of how annoying they are to others, and tend to blame other people for not knowing how to treat them. Some of them resemble the classic "toxic friend". They are a series of well-profiled prototypes of personalities.

1. The hostile friend

It is a person who is unruly, and usually reacts badly to criticism and offenses , it is highly susceptible. You have to try to communicate wisely with this profile of people. They usually react disproportionately if they feel unfairly treated. If you want to keep the beast calm, you should be careful with the words and themes you choose to communicate with this person. It is also convenient to try not to show weakness when you are in the presence of this type of friends, since this attitude may encourage them to maintain superior attitudes. The most sensible thing to do is to move at a midpoint when you are in their company, since an extreme attitude can activate their hostility.

What to do if you have a friend like that?

It is useful to try to divert the person's focus of attention to a specific activity or to conversation topics that are not hostile. You can bring up certain common themes or interests, so you divert your attention from the issues that generate your anger. Being aggressive or trying to correct them is not useful, since they react even more aggressively.

If your tone of voice and your gestural language are calm, much better. If the person wants to explain their stories related to their feelings of anger, let him or her explain and pay attention without being upset, and then expose your thoughts without blaming him. It is important that you notice that you care about the issue, but It is key not to feed your anger or give rise to aggressive behavior .

In case the conversation escapes our control and the person behaves aggressively, a good advice is to communicate that we will resume the conversation at another time, in which we can remain calm.

2. The one who complains about everything

This profile corresponds to the person who always finds the negative side of things , who always blames other people for everything that happens to him, that always believes to be right about everything that has to be done or not done (although they never preach by example). Sometimes they are sharp people who may be right in many things, but the strategy of walking complaining about everything does not bring them any benefit or solve any problem.

How to interact with these people?

First we must listen to them and try to argue their positions well, even if they try to make you feel guilty about something. It is not recommended that you apologize or agree with everything you say, or assume responsibilities that do not correspond to you. Do not get defensive or try to counterattack . If you want to solve the problem without leaving bad, the best thing is that you have a lot of predisposition to mediate and solve the issue.

Recognize when he is right and try to help him unravel the doubts about the matter, in order to close the issue and turn the page.

You must be patient with him and be open to reason about the subject that irritates him, encourage him to chat with the people with whom he has a problem and help him get everything back to normal. If you get more people to cooperate with you in search of the situation being resolved, the better.

Know more about this profile: "Chronic victimhood: people who complain about vice"

3. The one who always agrees with you

Always agree and you agree with your opinions . Of course, when this communion of ideas involves carrying out actions, do not count on it. They are those kinds of people who always seem to be in a good mood, who are very sociable, who seem to be unconditional friends, but when you need them, they disappear without a trace. They are subjects who seek external approval, they promise much more than they are able to fulfill, but it is their way of achieving friendship and acceptance of others. These behaviors are usually acquired during childhood.

What to do in these cases?

It is very important to let these people know that we will continue to be just as friends if they are sincere with us. It is necessary to delve into your own ideas and ask them how they agree with them, or how they could improve. In this way we help them to express themselves about what they do not like but do not dare to say . You also have to try to dissuade them from promising things that they can not fulfill, making them think, without accusing them of anything, about whether they are sure that they will be able to face them.

Make them notice that you value their friendship, and that they can see that you are flexible and fair to them, as much as they are to you. Be patient with them and accuse them that you need to know their opinion and that they can help you much more if they are totally sincere.

4. The know-it-all

In this profile we can find two differentiated categories: the one that really knows everything, and the one that does not have much idea of ​​anything but pretends to be very clever. In the second case, the strategy to follow is simply to argue and make them see their mistakes. These people are often unaware of their ignorance. Anyway, it is convenient not to leave them in evidence in public, and offer them some way out so they can keep their self-image . Normally, they only seek external approval.

In the other case, the person who really has extraordinary knowledge may tend to act with certain airs of superiority, believing himself superior to others and making them feel idiots. They are very independent and reject external aid. They are also stubborn and often intolerant of other people's opinions. They have a lot of security in their personality, they do not want to change.

How to stop the know-it-all?

To face conversations with this profile of know-it-all you must be aware that they are better informed and your gaps of knowledge may be evident. It is necessary to pay attention to them when they speak, because The truth is that you can learn a lot . The important thing is not to fall into arguments or arguments that have their basis in wanting to attack your ego or defend yours. Forget the ego, especially with these people. If you are not very sure, it may be preferable not to attack your ideas frontally but to lead them along alternate paths. You should be respectful with your position but without undermining yours.

5. The pessimist

They only realize the obstacles, complications and negative effects of things . They are people who seem to be continually angry with the world. They can become contagious to others since they are in charge of raising to a state matter the small doubts that you can harbor, dragging you towards inaction.

What to do?

It is useless to argue with them, and it is not useful to show them the solutions to the obstacles they express. Instead of that, You should use hopeful phrases that can gradually modulate your vision , show them with words and deeds that there are positive points that invite hope and sow useful thoughts towards the search for solutions. Rationalize your thoughts by asking about the options you are considering, and what would be the worst possible scenario depending on whether the decisions were one or the other. Go build tools to compensate for their pessimism, and it is possible that over time to take another attitude. If you are determined to carry out an idea, they may not offer you their help.

6. The soft and indecisive

It differs from the one that always gives you the right in everything in which the soft wants to help you in an authentic way. They tend to be very reflective and have a hard time making decisions out of fear . It is important to facilitate communication so that they can express their doubts. Help them to scrutinize the matter so that they can look for other ways or acquire commitment with the projects. When they make a decision, give them a lift and value their determination.

How to deal with such a person?

Ask him how he genuinely feels and cares for them. They are people who often do not speak for fear of offending or opposing others. Although you can be a very nice friend at first, as you advance the friendship you may realize that the problem of having a friend of this profile is that rarely expresses his opinion or takes sides for anything , and ends up not making any decision.

The Four Personality Types and How to Deal with Them (April 2024).

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