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The best 27 phrases of George Best

The best 27 phrases of George Best

June 12, 2024

George Best is possibly the most important player in the history of Northern Ireland , and one of the most emblematic British players of all time. He played mainly at Manchester United, where he won several titles.

In addition to his great football skills, he also highlighted his dark side, a life marked by alcohol.

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The best quotes from George Best

He died in 2005, but throughout his life he left mythical phrases. In this article you can find them.

The best quotes pronounced by George Best are the following.

1. Pele said he thought I was the best player in history. I've always thought he was the best player, it's the way you have to see him. I have never looked at another player and I have felt inferior

One of the characteristics of this player was his high self-confidence to . It's what took him to the top of the football world.

2. If I had been born ugly, you would not have heard of Pele

Pele is considered the best player in the history of football; however, many consider that Best was also an incredible player. Both coincided in their soccer stage.

3. I had a house near the sea, but to go to the beach you had to pass in front of a bar. I never bathed

Besides being a great player, he was also controversial and prone to parties.

4. If football is an art, then I am an artist

It is clear that George Best was not exactly humble. Although in reality he was a great player.

5. Love is about mutual respect, apart from the attraction

A date in which the player philosophizes what love is and what it consists of.

6. Maybe "lonely" is too strong a word, but I've always enjoyed being alone

A confession of this former Manchester United player.

7. Every time I enter a place there are sixty people who want to invite me to drink, and I do not know how to say no

George Best, like other famous British players, had serious problems with drinking.

8. My biggest goal is for my father to think I was the best, and he thinks

Best fought very hard to get to the top of football and he got it.

9. You can not finish with your left foot. He can not finish off with his head. He does not enter to steal balls and he does not score many goals. Apart from that, it's fine

This phrase is addressed to David Beckham, another mythical Man U player.

10. That's what young children do: throw food. That is not fighting. We are men. We fought.

In reference to the 'Battle of the Buffet', which included Judadores from Man United and Arsenal.

11. I would give all the champagne that I have drunk in my life to play with him at Old Trafford

With this appointment he referred to the also emblematic United player, Eric Cantona.

12. I never left in the morning with the intention of getting drunk. It just happened

Drink and alcohol were an important part of the life of this controversial footballer.

13. I have stopped drinking, but only while I am asleep

Again, a quote that refers to your drinking problems.

14. In 1969 I left the women and the drink, but it was the worst twenty minutes of my life

Alcohol hurts people's lives when they abuse. It was speculated on the possibility that his death was a consequence of his bad habits. Actually it was, but he died from an overdose of pills.

15. Once I said that the CI of "Gazza" was less than the number on his shirt and he asked me: What is the CI?

Paul Gascoigne was also a controversial British player with serious problems with drinking.

16. I had a house on the coast, but to go to the beach you had to pass in front of a bar. I never bathed

This player enjoyed the same in the field of play that in a "pub".

17. Do not die like me

One of the last phrases he publicly released.

19. I was born with a great gift and sometimes that comes with a destructive streak

When you have everything in life and do not know how to manage success, it can bring bad consequences.

20. You can not trust many people

There is everything in the vineyard of the Lord. But when you are known and famous, there are people who want to take advantage of your position.

21. I always wanted more, more of everything

It also happens that when you have everything, you want more and you are not happy.

22. When I leave, people will forget all the garbage and will only remember football

When someone dies, people remember the positive things in their life.

23. It is not true that I have slept with six Miss World. There were only three

In addition to his problems with alcohol, this character was also a womanizer.

24. If you form your own mind, you can only blame yourself

In reference to the mistakes he made in life, which were many.

25. Football is a sad game

When money is put in, football stops being a sport and becomes a business.

26. I spent a lot of money on cars, women and alcohol. The rest I just squandered it

Some words in an ironic tone about some mistakes in his life.

27. I definitely do not think money can buy love. You can buy affection, but not love

Love is a very deep feeling, which is born of the soul. You can not cheat.

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