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Does time cure everything? Science responds

Does time cure everything? Science responds

April 20, 2024

Everyone, at some point in our lives, we suffer a great disappointment or an immense sadness, those who drag for a long time, it seems that they never end.

The popular saying says that time heals everything. In this article We will reflect on what is true in this sentence that circulates by word of mouth when someone is going through a bad time .

While it is true that time helps us see things differently and we can grow as people, it is also necessary to do our part to overcome the adverse situations that arise on a day-to-day basis.

Time helps, but is it all at the time of leaving bad times behind?

People are flesh and blood but we have feelings, and Throughout our lives we experience traumatic events that mark us and that, in some cases, allow us to grow . But growing is a process in which we ourselves must work. We must learn from the experiences that occur to us.

While time can be a great ally, there is more to it than just letting days, weeks and months go by. The key is us and how we take advantage of these difficult experiences to make a leap as people.

What does science say about the healing power of time?

The phrase "time heals everything" is tremendously popular, that is the reason why a group of scientists raised the question: "To what extent is this assumption true? In a study, conducted by Arizona State University and published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, researchers confirmed that time does not really heal all wounds. Sometimes, the passage of time does not minimize the pain we feel or the sadness we experience.

And speaking of time as the only variable that is related to emotional healing is incorrect. The myth that time heals everything is discredited after this investigation, and that "things will improve soon" may seem good advice in theory, but not in practice. Believing that time will cure everything can lead a person to passively wait for the best by magic and, in reality, time only makes sense if an individual acts actively to recover their well-being.

To assume that time heals everything is to leave luck and luck to your future and your happiness, and as any expert in personal development would say, happiness depends on oneself (at least in large part) . Saying that time heals everything is dangerous because it means that you are not a critical person, or that you need to improve aspects of your life that need improvement. It is to wait seated, it is to hope that the improvement happens alone. In short, is to make the pain and suffering is prolonged. Authentic healing requires self-awareness, self-acceptance and a lot of work.

  • Related article: "Personal Development: 5 reasons for self-reflection"

What does science say about the pain of love?

Love is one of the most rewarding experiences, but it can also cause great suffering. When someone is going through a stage of lack of love, it is common for them to think that they will improve over time.

With time it is possible to be well, but that does not mean that time is the reason for recovery. In fact, if we do not do anything to improve, we may live thinking about the loved one for a long time, sometimes longer than expected. Having a broken heart (in reference to heartbreak), causes many problems for the physical health of people. For example, heart problems, as shown by studies at the University of Aberdeen or the British Heart Foundation-funded, which investigated 52 patients, aged 28 to 87, for four months.

This study showed that people who have broken their souls suffer a condition called "broken heart syndrome", which modifies the structure of the left ventricle located in the vital organ. Despite overcoming the lack of love, the physical symptoms last for the rest of life.

Tips to overcome emotional pain

Human beings experience emotions and not all of them are positive. In some moments of our lives, we can get to have a bad time . But overcoming difficult stages can help us grow and be better people.

In the following lines we present some tips that can help you overcome emotional pain and restore mental well-being.

1. Recognize emotional pain and be aware

The first step to overcoming emotional pain has to do with being aware of it. If we are not aware, we can hardly remedy it. This may seem simple, but the society in which we live makes us believe that having a bad time is weak. Nothing is further from reality, because experiencing the pain can help us overcome it.

two.Treat yourself with compassion

People tend to be hard on ourselves when we are having a hard time. but the best alternative in these cases is to treat us with affection and accept that people suffer.

3. Take your time, but live the present

Time, as we have said, is not everything when it comes to overcoming the bad moments of life. However, we must let it happen, because if we seek our personal development and acquire coping tools, we will feel better over time. Letting time pass is fine, but it is necessary to live in the present moment.

4. Empower yourself

When you are having a bad time, you may think that bad things only happen to you or you may believe that you are worthless. These thoughts will only invite you to enter into a negative spiral that will cost you to leave. Find realistic goals and activities that you like. In short, look for the meaning of your life and empower yourself in front of life.

  • If you want to know more tips, you can read our article: "The 10 keys to deal with emotional pain"

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