yes, therapy helps!


The 7 types of angles, and how they can create geometric shapes - miscellany

Mathematics is one of the purest and technically objective sciences that exist. In fact, in the study and research of other sciences, different procedures are used from branches of mathematics such...

The 7 types of sampling and their use in the Sciences - miscellany

We call "sampling" the statistical procedures that are used to select samples that are representative of the population to which they belong, and that constitutes the object of study of a...

The 6 forms of government that govern our social and political life - miscellany

The human being is made to live in society, that is, to associate with others to reach ends collectively. However, in practice these interactions do not always benefit all parties involved in the...

The 5 differences between law and decree and how they regulate society - miscellany

The legal rules are the set of rules made by the authority assigned to certain institutions by the State to regulate and organize the functioning of society. The most well-known type of legal norm is...

Are you a web designer? We need you in 'Psychology and Mind' - miscellany

Are you a web or graphic designer or designer? If you have answered affirmatively, this interests you.In Psychology and Mind We are looking for a freelance web designer for several projects that we...

The 12 differences between eukaryotic cell and prokaryotic cell - miscellany

The cell is the smallest unit of life, and is a fundamental component to define us as living beings. Since its size is so small, it was not discovered until the microscope was invented.It is from the...

The 5 types of chemical bonds: this is how matter is composed - miscellany

The cells of our body, the air, the water, the different minerals ... each and every one of the elements that surround us they are made up of different types of atoms and molecules. These particles...

The 11 types of chemical reactions - miscellany

The different substances present in nature interact with each other continuously. Things as common as lighting a match, dissolving a drug in water or even our breathing, obey what are known as...

The 7 types of triangles: classification according to their sides and angles - miscellany

During our childhood, we all had to attend math classes at school, where we had to study the different types of triangles. However, over the years we can forget about some things we have studied. For...

The 5 differences between colonialism and imperialism - miscellany

The concepts of colonialism and imperialism are often confused, but they are not synonymous. It is true that both are political, military and economic phenomena in which one nation submits to another...