yes, therapy helps!


How to quote a book with APA regulations, in 9 steps - miscellany

Quoting a sentence, a text, a whole paragraph ... is that task that has always led to students and authors of books and articles that are dedicated especially to the area of ​​research and / or...

The 11 most painful ways to die, according to science - miscellany

Death is something natural that sooner or later reaches us all. Imagine how we are going to die is often a cause of anguish that some people get to the point of obsessing. Most people prefer a quiet...

The uncertainty principle of Heisenberg: what explains us? - miscellany

Imagine that a fly constantly flies around us in concentric circles, with such speed that we are not able to follow it with the naked eye. As its buzz disturbs us, we want to know its exact...

8 games hidden in Google (and how to play and win) - miscellany

If you do not know how to take advantage of your time in the moments where you literally have nothing to do, here you can find a great secret that few know: the hidden games of Google.Related...

30 small tattoos to look on your skin - miscellany

No one can doubt that tattoos are fashionable, and many people want to tattoo and do so throughout their lives.Some do it because they think it's a trend and others do it because the tattoo has a...

The 9 parts of a letter - miscellany

In recent times the habit of writing and sending letters is being lost, which are replaced little by little by other means such as email messages or through applications such as WhatsApp.However,...

Theoretical framework: what is it and how to define one for your thesis? - miscellany

Some new students (and experienced ones too) who have before them lto the preparation of a thesis, be it doctoral or academic, are facing the biggest challenge of their professional career: to define...

Take ESO online: advantages and disadvantages - miscellany

ESO, Compulsory Secondary Education in Spain, is a four-year academic period that includes the ages of 12 to 16 years, according to Spanish educational legislation (LOGSE). It is composed in those...

Research questions: how to approach a study, with examples - miscellany

Research questions are the first step that must be taken before starting the study of something that intrigues us. In science, knowing how to specify what the objective of an investigation is is...

The 12 best questions and answers games to have fun - miscellany

When you are in the company of friends or family, play a trivia game and answers can be a good way to socialize while we test our knowledge.Some of these games are really known, they have been...