yes, therapy helps!

Organizations, human resources and marketing

How to write an email to ask for a job: 7 keys - organizations, human resources and marketing

When writing an email to request work, it is important to pay attention to all the details. After all, the professionals in charge of the selection of personnel rarely read these types of texts; that...

The Dual Factor Theory of Frederick Herzberg - organizations, human resources and marketing

Since the companies are constituted by individuals, it is necessary the existence of a Psychology of the Work and of the organizations that are in charge of studying the functioning of these within...

How to make a successful resume, in 8 steps - organizations, human resources and marketing

Curriculum vitae is an extremely important tool when we want to find a job, it is a presentation in front of the company that wants to hire us, so it is important that it is well done.Making a...

The 11 best blogs for entrepreneurs - organizations, human resources and marketing

Entrepreneurship is, without a doubt, one of the most motivating experiences, because reaching an idea in the business world and being successful can favor our self-realization.However, undertaking...

Satisfaction at work: 7 ways to improve it - organizations, human resources and marketing

We all want to enjoy a good level of well-being, either in our personal life or at work.Job satisfaction is one of the variables that companies must value the most, since having happy workers...

11 keys that indicate that you must change jobs - organizations, human resources and marketing

Work is one of the factors that most influences our well-being and our happiness. We spend many hours of the day working, and feeling fulfilled in this area of ​​our life is crucial to have a full...

X theory and McGregor theory Y - organizations, human resources and marketing

Although when we think about psychology we are usually imagining the study of the psyche and human behavior in a clinical context, the truth is that this discipline works with other multiple fields;...

The principle of incompetence Peter: the theory of the

Very often, salaried or low-profile employees wonder how the one who was a direct partner and, eventually, is promoted to a superior or boss position, ends up becoming so incompetent or inefficient....

What do companies know about me? The power of social networks - organizations, human resources and marketing

In another article we talk about how today, the people with whom we have less contact can attribute a personality, character or way of being based on the content we generate in social networks,...

Scamper method: its phases and its use to solve problems in the company - organizations, human resources and marketing

The Scamper method is a technique that involves bringing creativity into groups of people, with regard to finding solutions to specific problems. Scamper is an Anglo-Saxon acronym, formed by several...